

Trail's End with Lawrence Nayally

Guest Host Hilary Bird is joined in Trails End studio by Brett Creemer and Lindsay Highgate of the band Letters&Text.

Megan Miskiman interviews Letters&Text

Cabin Radio interviews Letters&Text during near the end of their tour through Yellowknife, Northwest Territories to debut their first single “Cool With You”.

We want to stretch out – not just outside of Vancouver but across Canada – and this is our first time hacking at that goal. I’ve heard of how wonderful the community is up here, and I’m excited to be a part of that in a special, musical way.
— Lindsay Highgate

Letters&Text on the Morning show

Morning Radio Host Jeremey Tubbs Interviews Letters&Text for their One Year Residency at The Victor Seafood & Steakhouse of The Parq Casino Resort.